My dad was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis when my middle son was just about a year old (he's now 5). He got the phone call on October 3rd, 2009 that a lung had come available and he was on his way to Philadelphia for a new leash on life. Well that wasn't God's plan. He did have the surgery, and by God's grace's he received a double lung transplant instead of the single that was expected but the hope we had soon vanished when two days after the surgery he started rejecting. The anti-rejection medication does not cover rejection by antibodies. The doctors tried everything they could to pull him through this but it just wasn't going to be. He ended up getting an infection as well and he passed away October 29th...the day before his mother's 92nd birthday. My dad was only 57 years old and had four beautiful grandchildren. He is truly, truly missed but he lives on in our hearts.
My husband saw these pictures and asked why don't I put pictures of him without the oxygen. My answer to him was that this was my dad. He was horribly sick but he never let it be a burden to himself or to us. The picture of him with the spoon on his nose...that was taken in September of '08 at my brother's rehearsal dinner. My three children and everyone else at the table were hanging spoons on our noses (it's a dinner tradition for us and yes we do it in restaurants). We were teasing him because he was cheating by using the oxygen tubing and he just laughed and laughed. He always had a smile on his face and we will always remember that! I love you Daddy and miss you terribly! This one's for you:) he wouldn't be mad that I have pink on here. He was a man's man and frequently wore pink. He was buried in one of my grandfather's pink sweater's that he always wore. It would be a compliment to him:)
This was made using a Crystal Light container, Sweet Pea DSP, Chocolate Silk Ribbon, Pretty in Pink Curdoroy Brads, Chocolate Double Stitched ribbon...The stamp that I used is a retired one but one of my favorite's...God's Way...a definite keeper in my book!